New Ideas

As a transfer from WashU in St. Louis, I’ve had the privilege of attending two universities. The differences between the schools are various, ranging from a smaller student body and less pervasive Greek life at Washu, to regularly warm weather in Missouri. One of the largest differences between my experiences at WashU and Cornell is the availability of activities both on and off-campus. Since I’m not involved in Greek Life or other social organizations, I’ve found that my free time spent with friends is usually limited to hanging out in the dorm or going out to eat. Ithaca doesn’t have an abundance of things to do and Cornell lacks regular programming students take part of.

The Eddy Gate project would be great as a permanent addition close to campus. When I went over on Saturday, there were people milling about and performances every now and then. Though the manifestation of the project was a bit smaller than I was expecting, it was nonetheless enjoyable, well-planned and transformative. Recycling a non-academic space as one with food, games, and performances where the Cornell community can hang out is a fantastic idea and hopefully the project will continue and inspire others like it.

3 thoughts on “New Ideas

  1. I remember seeing signs for the Eddy Gate project when I walked into town, but wasn’t sure what it was. It sounds like it was really interesting and I agree that this would be something that I’d like to see more often.

  2. That sounds really great! Cornell could really use more organized activities like these.

  3. This sounds fun! I hope that they bring the project back next year. It would be nice to see more activities like this.