Milk, Mooing, and More

On Saturday I took a trip to the teaching Dairy Barn about a mile past the vet school, and it was definitely one of the coolest things I have done on campus. I learned so many things that I did not know before and saw the cutest calves I had ever seen. Did you know one cow makes about 90 lbs of milk a day? There is so much I learned about a part of our own school. Cows are pretty neat, and the entire milking process is fascinating, but the best part was seeing the baby cow that had been born only hours earlier, and the funny way the cows act. I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance. The tour guide was amazing and the whole tour was informative and fun. Definitely a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

One thought on “Milk, Mooing, and More

  1. I totally agree that the Diary Barn is super fascinating. I think it amazing that the whole process takes place right on Cornell’s campus. One time I was getting ice cream on a Saturday, and I stumbled across a cattle auction going on near the Dairy Barn. It was so interesting to watch. There is so much work that goes into raising cattle, and it very cool that we can learn all about it just by walking up the hill.