Urban Planning

It was very nice of House Professor Blalock to guide this discussion on urban planning. I never really knew too much about urban planning prior to this table talk. I remember that he asked us ideal places that we would want to live. I responded, “California, because there are large distances between most people and their neighborhoods and of course the sunny weather”. Another scholar responded, “New York”.  Dr. Blalock then explained to us that New York from an urban planning standpoint would be a better place to live because since everything is relatively close to each other in terms such stores, schools, and other buildings which is convenient. In California, because there is so much space there is not the sense of convenience compared to New York. In California, people are encouraged to drive everywhere which is not good for the environment and people’s personal and physical well-beings. Due to the convenience in New York, people can walk places which is better for personal and physical well-being.

He also told us a little about the history of Ithaca. In terms of urban planning, the city of Ithaca was built where a body of water was. Additionally, it was built on a hills so he was explaining that when it rains, due to the hills it will collect in the commons or downtown Ithaca. In other words, the commons will flood. Also, we found out that Ezra Cornell’s fortune came from investing shares in telegraphing companies which merged into what we know as Western Union.

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