A First and Last Experience

This past Wednesday I went to my first ever Rose Cafe and I can say that I am disappointed that it took me this long to go to one. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversational tone that the event had and the way that ideas were bounced around from everyone in the room. It was great hearing Professor Blalock talk about the Rose Scholars program and how it started. The idea of the Rose Scholars program came from trying to fix a system that could ultimately lead to unfair results, which made me think of the program in a new light. Not only did Professor Blalock encourage discussion about the current program and its origins, the discussion largely revolved around how the program could be improved. I believe that this is a prim example of the way that Rose House is different from some of the other West Campus dorms. This discussion of improvement and communication between scholars shows that the program that was set in motion is in fact working. Although there are some things that we would like to see changed, the program at its core is promoting the intellectual conversations that it hoped to achieve. My only regret from that resulted from this even is that it is the only chance at a cafe that I had this year, and that it was the only cafe that i will experience with Professor Blalock as House Professor. However, I look forward to the new experiences that await with Professor Avery in the upcoming school year.

2 thoughts on “A First and Last Experience

  1. Yeah, it was a really nice conversation. No worries you can come next year!

  2. I really wish I’d gone to this Rose Cafe, as I’ve gone to most of them this year, and really enjoyed them (unfortunately, I had another event last Wednesday). I’m glad that there was an open conversation about the Rose Scholars program, as I think it’s a great opportunity for both extracurricular learning and for housing. I’m glad I participated this year, as it reduced a lot of my housing stress. In addition, I find myself continuously thinking about each event I participated in, and a lot of the topics we’ve discussed in Rose Cafe have come up again in my classes and other clubs, which is really cool. Overall, I’m excited to see where this program continues from here!