Patriot Jian Yang

Ahh my boy Jian Yang, or Jimmy O. Yang has a very important role in the movie Patriots Day. I really love the Asian representation in American pop-culture, even if the movie is based on the real life story, it is always nice to see it.

Jimmy O. Yang is very talented, and it is so great to see him featured in a movie. I first found out about him in various stand ups he did as I was browsing through YouTube. This little Chinese man who looks kind of wimpy and frail resonated with me as he reminded me of myself. Even though in a way he kind of plays into the stereotype of frail Asian man, but he does a very good job playing his part in the movie.

Watching him from the perspective of his character Jian Yang from Silicon Valley, him in Patriots Day is a much more Asian American portrayal. I did not know that there was an Chinese student who was held at gun point and then gave away the position of the bombers, so I was very surprised and wonder why there is just a random scene of Jimmy in a restaurant on a date with some girl.

The scene of the car jacking was also excellent. Every moment of the bombers in the car up to the gas station had me on edge because I can easily put myself in that position. When he ran from the car into the gas station, I was so nervous I felt like I was hyperventilating, it was so tense.

Overall I liked the movie, even though it felt a little too Hollywood, but with Jimmy O. Yang and several very interesting scenes I would recommend it to someone who is interested in the Boston bombing.

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