A visit to the dairy barn

I loved visiting the dairy barn last week!

I didn’t realize we were actually going there. For some reason I thought that we were going to the dairy bar. I was super excited to see where we ended up instead! It was so much fun to have a close look at the dairy cows. It was neat to see the way that they milked the cows. I just assumed that cows were all milked by hand. Instead there was a nifty machine that milked five cows at once.

The cows were very curious, and the calves were adorable! There were so many of them too.

Apparently, the cows like the temperature to be a bit cold. The barn is a bit chilly, and they have massive fans to keep air circulating during the summer. Cows are also very warm, like space heaters if you lean up against them. So, if I’m lost in the winter, all I have to do is find a cow and I’ll be good to go. Moo.


One thought on “A visit to the dairy barn

  1. It must have been a bit of a shock to end up at the dairy barn and not the dairy bar (I can see how one could confuse the two), but it sounds like the event ending up being worth it 🙂 I really wanted to go to this, as I’ve never seen the cows on campus.