My 1st Massage!!

I really had no idea what to expect. I didn’t even know what to wear?? Massage in my head is lying down on your belly naked and having a Swedish oil massage (like in the movies). I wore my pajamas and I went into the room shocked to see some sort of contraption thing and I was told to straddle the thing. It was kind of uncomfortable at first, sitting in that position facing the corner of the wall, but I did it anyways because I knew I needed to go to a Rose Scholars event this week or I probably would fail the class. Anyways, the lady told me to just relax and close my eyes as she kneaded my back. One thing that really surprised me is the fact that areas that were really tense took very long to massage. Anyways, after it, I felt pretty relaxed, and I wished it was longer. The after effects didn’t last so long though because I started studying for a really difficult prelim. I wonder if anyone had a similar experience? How does acupuncture work? TCM?

One thing that really stood out to me was the fact that I felt all the movements on my back. Last year, I took a class called Brain, Mind, and Behavior and I learned that our sense receptors on our skin are really weak!! Except on our lips and our fingers. Test it out even: put 1-5 fingers on someone’s back and ask them to guess how many fingers, they can’t! Anyways, how can we make our senses all over our body as sensitive as our lips, well, my class taught me that different types of drugs do that. It’s all about how much chemical neurotransmitters a synaptic cleft takes up.

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