Snapchat == life return: True

I am literally addicted to Facebook I feel. Even when I have so much work to do, I just go on the site and check what’s up. Memes pages are amazing! They really just relieve you in the short, short-term. But in the long-term they really mess you up. The discussion centered around this Ted Talk that we were told to watch and it was of this Professor whose whole life was research about this topic of social media. I guess he had some good points, for exp, he talked about how having a social media portfolio sort thing didn’t make you more marketable in any way, it’s rather, the skills that you have. The market ultimately wants these unique skills that are mutually exclusive from what you post on social media, UNLESS, of course, you are a social media influencer or something. I don’t really understand myself sometimes, but I am always in awe by Kim Kardashian or Kylie Jenner posts on Instagram? I’m actually so embarrassed by it!! I think social media though is definitely necessary for modern social life. Half the things I find out about are on social media, I read Snapchat News in the morning over the WSJ!! There are a lot of cool things that social media does, and it’s definitely addicting. It will be cool to see what kind of things will happen as the Zuckerberg progresses through trial.

2 thoughts on “Snapchat == life return: True

  1. Interesting post. I use to be addicted to facebook freshman year and I had to use an app to block the website from my computer. It is also interesting to note that employers do not want to know about the qualifications you post on social media. I never knew that.

  2. You bring up some interesting points about how social media is completely integrated into many of our lives at this point without us consciously realizing it. I do my best to read the New York Times or other newspapers but, like you said, I often find myself getting news from Snapchat or Facebook and treating those as reliable sources. You also made me think more about why people find social media so addicting – the instant gratification and relief that comes from meme pages can be hard to say no to.