Forrest Gump in America

Last week I went to the Universal theme park in Orlando, Florida. Upon entering the park, I looked to my right and saw “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.,” a restaurant named after the successful  shrimping company that Forrest Gump creates in the movie. The movie Forrest Gump has become an American classic , with phrases like “run, Forrest, run!” being part of American culture, and recognized and used by people who haven’t even seen the movie.

The overwhelming popularity and endurance of Forrest Gump can be largely attributed to the titular main character, a simple man who does extraordinary things. Gump is who each of us aspires to be: a selfless, honorable American who strives to do his best and care for those he loves. Though it’s unrealistic and heartwarmingly comedic that so much fortunate circumstance befalls a single person, not everything goes well in Gump’s life. Jenny rejects Gump’s love time after time, until finally she realizes she loves Gump not shortly before she passes from illness. Without this bit of misfortune, Gump wouldn’t be as likeable of a character. There’s nothing worth rooting for like a good person who surmounts obstacles to achieve success.

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