Thoughts on Transgender/Transracialism

Last week I attended a Table Talk about an (honestly) very touchy topic: Transracialism. We discussed Rachel Dolezal, her transformation from a white to a black woman, and the subsequent media backlash that came once her true identity was revealed (by her parents, no less). We could largely agree that being transgender and being transracial are two completely different things. There is a history and a culture that comes with each race that does not make it so simple for a person to just cross these boundaries as they please. This is because it if a person is not part of a certain culture, they are not part of the history that is a major component of the culture. Being transgender does not come with as much rooted history, especially in America where racism is a major component of the country’s foundations. That is the reason why it was incorrect for Rachel Dolezal to assume she could change her race. She did not understand the history.

I believe it is possible to respect and appreciate a culture without attempting to join it. As we can see, that only leads to a myriad of problems. In conclusion, I have a question. When she attempted to change her race, did she accept that she would be treated differently in the world because of it? I would like to know.

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