Finger Lakes and the Environment

This past week at the Rose Cafe we had a speaker who worked in environmental preservation. He shared with us his experiences in trying to buy land through government grants. I thought it was interesting how he often had to go through long, drawn-out negotiations with people who were unwilling to sell their land. On one hand, I see why the organization would try and get a continuous stretch of land, but on the other hand, the owner of the land was taking good care of it too and probably would have continued doing so, so buying it off of him was possibly unnecessary.

I loved how our speaker went into detail on how he ended up at his current job. I often see people in certain jobs or careers where I wonder how they could possibly have known they wanted to do that at a young age and worked toward it. I am learning, however, that most people end up stumbling across their current career position by accident. Circumstance and chance lead them to a job position that they ascend in rank until it is their career. It is heartening to know that I do not have to have an exact position in mind to aspire to, but can let my career path take me where it will.

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