The Popularity of Bike Sharing Systems in the US

As someone from New York City, Citi Bikes have been around for a while although I don’t see them used often outside of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Many of my friends who live in Manhattan and attend school in the Manhattan have only recently begun using Citi Bikes to get to and from school. This is more for a health reason (to get some exercise) than anything else since the subway system is a convenient alternative. Still, if it is raining or snowing, which happens fairly often, my friends will understandably opt for the subway. However, in the more suburb-like areas of New York City (such as parts of Queens), there is little desire to use Citi Bikes because most people have cars and finding parking spots is easy. Since much of the United States does not look like Brooklyn or Manhattan, I can see why, as we discussed in the table talk, bike sharing systems have not become as popular and widespread as they are in other countries.

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