Service and West

I’m always interested to learn how things are run, how the process behind processes we take for granted. So learning how our homes on West Campus are maintained was a splendid event.

Andrew McCabe, the head of building care on West, gave an especially insightful chat; talking about the core principles guiding the staff as they care for the needs of the students on West. I was surprised to hear that one of the core principles was thinking of the students as customers, considering there isn’t much competition to maintain the facilities! Nevertheless, it was interesting hearing how McCabe described responding to students’, and other residents’, needs maintaining efficiency and the satisfaction of the residents.

Another part of the conversation centered on privacy. Because McCabe’s staff have access to the private quarters of West’s residents, respecting their personal space is of upmost importance. McCabe described it as entering someone’s home, which to be fair it is. I was rather reassured that the maintenance staff takes privacy so seriously since being comfortable in my own home is something I hold rather closely.

I always love hearing from Cornell’s staff, and this was no exception.

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