A Splendid Friday Film

I had first seen Forrest Gump years ago and not again till last Friday, so I had forgotten precisely how good a movie it was! Truth be told, I only meant to accompany a friend for the first few minutes of the movie and then go Magdala’s opera event the next day, but I simply couldn’t leave!

Firstly, the visual effects were simply splendid, managing to insert Tom Hanks into historical footage of presidential encounters throughout history to conjuring immense throngs of antiwar protesters on the Washington Mall. Reading the Wikipedia page for the movie, I learned that the Oscar-winning visual effects team used a primitive (well I suppose it was advanced in the early 90’s) video editing software to edit historical footage, magnify explosions, and duplicate a crowd of extras across the Washington Mall.

Of course, the visuals only served to communicate the inspirational story line and enhance the marvelous acting. I know this review is rather gushy, but I rather liked the movie. I would recommend it to anyone really.

One thought on “A Splendid Friday Film

  1. I agree that Forrest Gump is a great movie, and I also heard about the visual effects, especially CGI such as creating an artificial crowd in some of the scenes etc. Forrest Gump has become an american classic so no worries about it being ‘gushy!’ tons of people are definitely in love with this movie