Last week as I was watching the film What happened to Monday, a constant thought came to my mind regarding how solutions to various problems often breach ethics. Everybody grows up with their own set of morals, and it can be hard to enact policies that reconcile with these values to create solutions. Although the ethical issues in this movie were just killing people which is wrong on many levels, I believe that the idea about how policies that seem cruel are created and sustained goes towards the debate regarding impact versus intent. The intent of this policy was to create a solution overpopulation which was resulting in challenges with resource allocation. While the impact of the policy was cruel, the policymakers may be so fixated on creating solutions, that they lose the scope of the reality of their polcies. That’s not to say that policymakers aren’t to blame, I just believe it is important to imagine the perspectives that they might have prior to creating legislation. The movie symbolizes how a desperate need for a solution to a problem results in corruption of power. I think it would be beneficial for policymakers who are somewhat unaware of how the scope of their legislation actually impacts people needs to watch this film as I believe it will promote better conversation regarding how they can continue to work on issues such as poverty, and insufficient resource allocation considering all the stakeholders involved. I also believe that although this film took the idea to an extreme, there are many subtle messages that can be important for everybody like the importance of always stepping back whenever creating solutions to problems, to understand how your solutions affect various other people in your life. I also believe that another implicit yet important message that this film conveyed is the importance is staying true to yourself. Friday wanted to keep the record of the siblings’ existence till the last minute and risked her life for it which I thought was as an act of true bravery and courage. Overall, I enjoyed the film because I felt that although there were some exaggerated parts, with the increasing problems of now day society, I believe that a corruption of power is very plausible.I appreciate scientific films like this because I believe that they bring to light future realities we may not want to face, but these movies also start important conversations that can be used to prevent policies like these from being implemented.