Monday Blues

What Happened to Monday is a film which proposes a world in which the government takes control of the lives of common citizens. We see the struggle of average individuals attempt to take back control and independence from their oppressors. The film follows the story of 7 identical siblings all named after a day of the week as they attempt to hide from the government. Siblings have been banned so as to regulate the world population so the 7 siblings are living the life of one shared identity.

When watching this film I couldn’t help but think about a fairly similar movie called Soylent Green. Both of these movies depict a future with an overpopulated world and a lack of food. Also in both movies the hero takes back the people’s freedom, or at least saves the population from the tyrannical government, by revealing the truth. People in power usually can only stay in power by altering and controlling the information that the population is told. Ironically, in our age of computers it has become increasingly difficult for the average person to obtain high unbiased information and increasingly easy for those in power to control what we hear. It is by hiding the truth that the powerful find a place to thrive, and we must work to avert the possible future portrayed in What Happened to Monday.

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