If Black Mirror were a Movie

What Happened to Monday is an incredible and startling film that embodies many of the elements of my favorite Netflix series Black Mirror. I was initially skeptical about the quality of the movie after reading a short summary and seeing the shameless (one could say rather weak) plot point involving evil genetically engineered food in the opening minutes, but I was soon gleefully found to be wrong as the movie developed into a sci-fi dystopian delight (I’m very fond of the genre, but I will say that this movie is certainly not for everyone, especially those who dislike rather dark plot lines with great violence).

For me, what stood out the most was the shocking contrast (as well as comparison) to the last movie I watched for the Rose Scholars program–CocoCoco centered itself so much in the power and value of the family–traversing both life and death. What Happened to Monday takes this for one antagonist and smashes it to pieces, and that contrast between the two films was startling to behold.  At the same time, What Happened to Monday serves as a chilling portrayal of a group of sisters who must partially sacrifice individual autonomy to work as a single cohesive unit in great understanding and cooperation with one another to survive their dystopian society.

The acting in this film by Noomi Replace who played these seven identical sisters was remarkable as she was able to portray a unique personality for each sister and create convincing scenes of this individuality. This combined with a strong plot line served to make an excellent and disturbing thriller that is bound to make you walk away thinking of morality and the true cost of sacrifice.

One thought on “If Black Mirror were a Movie

  1. The comparison with Coco is a nice point! I also like watching films and making analysis or comparisons.