Vaccines in a New Light

At today’s rose cafe, GRF Ty spoke with us about his research. Let me preface this by saying I’m in ILR. From my understanding, he is attempting to create vaccines from cell sugars. First, he gave us some background. White blood cells find bacteria and kill them to keep us healthy. The immune system detects foreign pathogens by patrolling white blood cells. Vaccines inject mutated parts of the virus / bacteria so our body can create antibodies against them. But if this vaccine is not created correctly, the process can go wrong.

Ty’s research is commissioned by the Defense Department to invent emergency vaccines against bioweapon viruses. And he is attempting to do so using the sugar on the surface of the cell. From my understanding, new attempts at cancer vaccines are utilizing this method.

As a social science major, I cannot really comment on the actual science going on here. But I can say that I am excited that constant new methods towards bettering lives are not only tested but continuously improved and implemented. Ty represents the future of STEM and the future of forces aiming to better humanity. And for that, I am very thankful.

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