Sit Back & Relax

Someone once told me that a massage is to the human body what a tune-up is to a car. However, there are multiple academic studies and personal accounts that prove that the benefits of massage are not only physical, but beneficial as well.

Physically, massage therapy is designed to stretch and loosen muscles. It also improves blood flow. It can facilitate the removal of metabolic wastes, and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to our cells. Of course, massage therapy results in the release of endorphins–the body’s natural pain killer.

Emotionally and mentally, massage therapy provides relaxation and reduces mental stress. This reduction can enhance our capacity for thinking and creativity. This therapy is also known to reduce anxiety levels, giving us an overall “feel-good” mentality.

2 thoughts on “Sit Back & Relax

  1. This is probably the House event I wanted to attend most this and last semester, and both times I was unable to. I already knew that a massage would be physically relaxing, but hearing that it’s mentally relaxing as well just enforces my desire to get one (hopefully there’ll be another one soon.