The Love Between Sisters

The film What Happened to Monday drew many parallels to other dystopian films such as The Hunger Games. I found myself not as drawn to the aspect of the abuse of power and the poverty that the government used to try to justify this abuse of power but more drawn to the relationships between the siblings. By the end of the film, it is revealed that Monday was the one that exposed the seven siblings and that she did it for her boyfriend and for the children she was about to give birth to. Monday tried to push the blame off herself, saying that she didn’t kill her siblings and that she didn’t plan how they were going to die. This is something that I don’t agree with. While Monday couldn’t have known exactly how the government was going to kill her siblings, she likely knew that they would suffer a gruesome death.  I was also confused by why Monday had to make this decision in the first place. Would Monday’s children not suffer the same fate as only one child would be allowed to live? Couldn’t Monday raise her children with all of her sisters? I guess I was shocked by the amount of love between all the other sisters and Monday’s lack of love for her sisters. All the other sisters were willing to die for each other but Monday was willing to have her sisters die for her.

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