An Interesting Career, But Not For Me

Last Wednesday I went to the Rose Cafe led by the pilot Mike Comella. This was the first time I had ever heard from a commercial pilot, and I found it to be very informative. I never knew that it required so much time and effort to become a pilot, nor did I know that some colleges offered an aviation degree. I also never considered that a pilot might not work with the same people consistently, which is apparently what happens. As someone who has difficulty remembering people’s names, this sounds like a very terrible situation for me.

The schedule that a pilot has also stood out to me, particularly with dealing with sleep. From what Mr. Comella said, it sounds like a pilot’s schedule is designed to factor in sleep, especially with the more recent regulations. However, only ten hours is given for the pilots to sleep. While this would theoretically be enough time to sleep, it would require the pilot to go to sleep almost immediately. For me, this would probably prove to be unfeasible.

Overall, I found the talk to be very interesting, as it allowed me to learn about something that I had no prior knowledge on. However this talk definitely showed me that I would not enjoy being a pilot.

One thought on “An Interesting Career, But Not For Me

  1. I agree. It would be a little weird having such an intimate aspect of my life regulated and controlled by my employer. While I understand this is a public safety issue, I am not willing to give up autonomy over this intimate detail for a job.