At the Pilot Rose Cafe this past Wednesday, a series of questions were posed to Mike Comella, an experienced commercial pilot. He described his experience flying privately and commercially. It seems that while flying privately may be more fun, as he was able to fly famous athletes, musicians, and celebrities, the schedule is much less regular than a commercial pilot. I found it very interesting that he has four day work cycles, where he starts and ends at La Guardia airport, but usually doesn’t spend the night at home during that cycle. He also mentioned that pilots usually fly either day or night shifts, which made me feel more comfortable knowing that my pilot hasn’t been awake for a ridiculous amount of time. He also explained that if your flight is every delayed or canceled due to flight crew issues, it is usually because the crew has been working for too long and it would be unsafe for the crew to continue working. While I am rarely happy my flight is canceled or delayed, knowing that the delay helps guarantee my safety makes me much more understanding of the problem.