Forrest Gump

Last Friday, I had the chance to re-watch the classic Forrest Gump. I had seen it once as a preteen and I felt very moved by the love that Forrest always had for Jenny. This time around, I saw the movie quite differently. What once was one of my favorite movies of all time, has become not quite as good in my eyes. What made me really evaluate this film was the clear love Forrest had for Jenny, but Jenny never really reciprocated. Forrest is always there for her in tough situations and he never judges her and she seems to care for him as a friend. While Forrest seems more concern for Jenny’s well being, Jenny doesn’t see Forrest as more than a friend for most of the film. Towards the end, that Jenny reveals that she had Forrest’s child and a fatal sickness, the audience begins to feel sympathy for her. Don’t get me wrong, I felt sympathy as well but I feel like she neglected Forrest for most of her life. Towards the end, although I understand that she was sick and I sympathized, I do realize that she might have been taking advantage of Forrest. She knew that he was someone that would never stop loving her and would always help her no matter what. I do enjoy the film because it proves that if you put your mind to something, you can achieve it (when Forrest ran and all of his other achievements). I was glad to see this film once again, because I was able to get a different perspective on it.

One thought on “Forrest Gump

  1. Oh my Gosh! I feel the same way about the movie. I am glad to see my perspective being shared amongst Rose Scholars!