What About Us?

I think millennials develop hypothesis more than we may realize.  With every web search I make, large or small, I usually expect a certain answer based on prior knowledge.  I count each of these predictions as little hypothesis.  For example, today, I googled to find why an how the Winter Olympics were established.  I was inspired to make this search after watching the games in Flora Rose House Dinning Hall last Friday. I will share what I found,  but first, I will share my hypothesis.

I expected a soppy narrative about how wintery countries felt left out of the Olympic games established in 1896.  While more tropical and temperate countries could pride themselves in their summer games, northern European countries found no place for their skiing and ice skating.  They longed to be a part of this new exciting international celebration and competition.  They expressed their concerns to the official Olympic people.  Eventually, the Olympic Winter Games were established!

Now, for what really happened…  The wintery countries made their own games.  The first winter games were called the Nordic Games and were held in Sweeden in 1901.  Only Scandinavian countries participated.  Ron Edgeworth’s article, “THE NORDIC GAMES AND THE ORIGINS OF THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES”  gives all of the juicy details but in short they were created for commercialism and nationalism.  Nationalism!  So I WASN’T far from the truth.

While Edgeworth’s article didn’t include a sappy story about belonging and passion for sport.  It briefly sums up the romantic nature of the Olympic games with one word.  People of all walks of life, backgrounds, and aspirations all take pride in representing their country.  This is why I watch the Olympics.  This is what draws me and the many viewers back every four years.




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