Admirable Work Done By Facilities Management

In my opinion, the facilities management staff on West Campus goes above and beyond what I ever expected their team to do. At the Rose Cafe this Wednesday, Anthony McCabe, head of West campus facilities management, described the ins and outs of how the custodians perform their jobs. But I found his descriptions of why our custodians care for our living spaces incredibly comforting. Mr. McCabe informed us that after a custodian noticed a student talking on the phone incredibly distressed, he immediately called Mr. McCabe for advice. While the two custodians were not able to help the student, Mr. McCabe immediately arranged a meeting with the entire West Campus facilities staff and a health care professional to talk about how the custodians can help students if they are upset, but without infringing on their privacy or personal life. This struck me as unbelievably admirable and showed me that while life Cornell may be an absolute whirlwind, our custodians want to make our lives, and our living spaces, as comfortable as they can.

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