Judge Miller and the Judicial System

I had previously attended Judge Miller’s Rose Cafe discussion last semester and found that his stories and experiences were extremely intriguing and thought provoking, bringing up issues such as equality, racism, and moral questions for discussion. In this discussion as well, I was particularly interested in his comments about how to solve greater societal problems and differences in values.


Judge Miller explained that the two solutions to many societal problems are universal healthcare and education. Stating that if people are properly educated from a young age, then less people would commit crimes in the future. This would result in lower costs of keeping a large prison system. I felt that this has applications to our own lives as well. Solving problems early on can prevent greater problems in the future and could lead to better opportunities in the future.


I think that Judge Miller’s practicality and humble nature are important characteristics that I could learn from and apply to my life. In his position, Judge Miller has presided over a great variety of cases and had experience as a defense attorney. Despite his important role in the judicial system, he remains humble and open minded towards all of the cases he presides over. He embodies many of the virtues of the judicial system, and I hope to be able to apply his open mindedness to my own life as well.

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