In a Pickle

I played “In a Pickle” with Lory. I liked getting to relax and play a pretty easy game. It probably would have been more fun with more people, but I think we both still had fun. The game is about different sized objects, but it gets a little harder with abstract cards, like for a dream being able to fit inside a brain or a song being able to fit inside a piano. I was thinking about the strategy of the game, and I think you want to get rid of as many of your small cards early in the round so that you can use your large cards to try to win at the end. Then, since you’ve gotten rid of your small cards, you can draw more cards for the next round and hopefully draw something really big like “solar system” or “galaxy.” I don’t think there’s much more to the strategy than that. There might be exceptions where you might want to save a really small card since it can fit inside of almost anything, but other than that, I think the game is pretty simple. Maybe people who have played it before can correct me in the comments if I’m missing something.

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