Disorder Or Creativity In The Classroom?

Today in the Maker’s Place there was a lot going on. Today the project that the kids were working on were blocks of wood that they were able to paint and they were also given wooden figures which they also painted and were later going to glue on. When I walked in Mr.V told me to see what two of the boys at the other table were up to because it seemed like they were being somewhat disorderly. When approaching the boys it seemed like they weren’t following the instructions like everyone else. Instead of painting the block they were using the water and plastic pipettes and drawing in the paint water and pouring the water on their blocks. Usually when I notice that a child isn’t doing what they’re suppose to I try to redirect them to the task at hand. This situation was a little different because I’m just a volunteer so the kids do think of me as an adult figure and they usually do listen, but other times they listen but then go back to what they were doing in the first place. These boys didn’t follow my redirection so instead of seeing what they were doing as wrong I tried to look at it in a different light. I saw what they were doing as their way of expressing their creativity. Instead of painting the blocks the boys found it more entertaining to mix paint colors and “create new colors.” When I pointed out what they were doing they got excited and began to try to mix more colors to see what other new colors they could make, after all it is the Makers Place. Today I learned that sometimes kids don’t follow the instruction at hand because they feel that it doesn’t fit their form of creativity, and they rather do the task differently to better represent themselves.

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