World War 2 based movies have always left me in tears. The Pianist did not turn out any different. A gut wrenching story of a Jew stuck in Nazi Poland, the story brings to fore the disastrous crimes committed during World War 2. With Nazis trying to gain control of Poland, the Jews were moved out of their houses, forced to live in miserable conditions and eventually shipped to labor camps. The pianist, the main character of the movie, had to live in horrible conditions, escaping Nazis from one location to another. The conditions in which he had to spend his days, sometimes made one think if it was even worth trying to survive.
The movie brought out the atrocities committed by the Germans during World War 2. However, it also showed us how some Germans were kind and considerate. One German supplying the pianist with bread, warm clothes, and water. The pianist was also housed by several Germans during the their occupation of Warsaw. The direction of the movie also conveyed that not all Germans were bad, and that some were indeed kinder than the protagonist’s own family.