Seeing The Nightmare Before Christmas in Another Light

As a child oblivious and innocent while focusing on the bright colors and the general plot of The Nightmare Before Christmas. However, now that I am seeing it again, I can relate towards the characters’ actions. I was able to enjoy the movie more that I could understand their actions on a personal level, such as when Sally tries to escape from her owner’s house and explore the outside world. It was nice reliving my childhood memories with this movie break from studying. I love how mischievous the tiny minions were and the creative Halloween ideas they created with Christmas concepts.

One thought on “Seeing The Nightmare Before Christmas in Another Light

  1. I saw the movie from the same lens too! When I was a child there are many things I also could not understand in relation to the actions of the characters. However now I understand much more primarily because of how I have matured over the years.