Professional Stalking 101

On Thursday, September 27, I attended a workshop on email etiquette led by GRF Lory. To begin with, I learned how to professionally stalk an individual through sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. Stalking is generally frowned upon by society, but there are apparently a few humorous exceptions. Although quite frightening to think about, there are numerous online resources in the contemporary world that can offer detailed information about a person’s history, work, and interests. With this in mind, I realized that performing thorough research on a person before attempting any online or face-to-face contact can be useful because it demonstrates genuine interest and care. It is essential to understand a topic matter in depth before you engage in a conversation with someone who is incredibly knowledgeable about and experienced in that particular subject.

Additionally, I reviewed the multiple components that comprise emails while analyzing examples of both good and bad emails. Before college, I never thought that composing an email would require this much preparation, consideration, and editing. Writing an email nowadays is a form of art and takes much practice to perfect. There are so many little details that one should consider but can easily overlook. Especially as an aspiring student looking to enter the business world, I recognize the importance of maintaining respect and professionalism when constructing emails. However, demonstrating proper email etiquette is relevant for any career field in the digitized modern age. Emails often serve as the first point of contact between two parties, and it is therefore essential to establish a good first impression. When I contact professors and network with industry professionals in the future, I will definitely consider what I learned in this workshop and apply it to real world scenarios.

One thought on “Professional Stalking 101

  1. I should’ve gone to this event. Professionally stalking may give an applicant a competitive edge when one knows the interests of the interviewer and the other doesn’t. Emailing is crucial in the business world. Being a business student, I should always keep a professional tone in the email.