Dea Professor,
I don’t know about you but no words scare me as much as those two right there. For me emailing a professor has always been a source of anxiety. I never want to seem needy and I never want to seem annoying. Despite the fact that I am their student there is always an underlying level of unease with every message. I was always the type to start with a “hi”, forgetting to mention the professors name, and never even adding my own name to the email. But now from the knowledge of the seminar I have been able to garner more confidence when it comes to emailing my professors. By following the simple steps of being concise, being respectful, and using spell check, I am able to address my professors properly. The seminar also showed me the proper way to finesse. For example if I wanted to email a teacher to get into his class it would be best if I researched said professor before emailing them. This allows me to sound like I know what I am talking about and it also gives me a better chance of being let into the class. This seminar was very useful for me as a student.
This is really relatable. I never know how to start professional emails and really wish I was able to attend this workshop!