The movie takes place in the rural area of England’s county of Yorkshire. Johnny is a young man who unwillingly helps run his family’s farm since his father was left incapacitated after suffering a stroke and his grandmother is of old age. Very early on the film, we learn Johnny’s life in very unstable and unhealthy through different scenes. When he is not being an incompetent farmer, he is having casual sex with other men or drunk at a bar. In other words, Johnny is hopeless of his future and unhappy with his life.
The season for sheep to give birth has come and the family decides to hire an extra worker to provide Johnny temporary help. The worker of choice is a foreign immigrant from Romania called Gheorghe. At first, the two have a terrible chemistry and basically hate each other. This is mainly due to Johnny referring to Gheorghe by the ethnic slur “Gypsy.” However, as time goes they fall in love with each other. Not only did Gheorghe give birth to a lamb, he also helps give birth to a new Johnny. Now Johnny took the farm work very seriously, he took care of his family, drank responsibly, and gave himself to only one man (well almost).
I believe this movie relates to me since many people have touched my life in a positive way. But, more importantly, I believe that it is important for me to take the role of making others the best version of themselves. Moreover, I believe the movie depicts many of the flaws of our society. Such as the hatred towards immigrant, small businesses being replaced by large corporations, and society’s stigma towards homosexual men.