Coffee or Not?

Katie’s talk was very informative in terms of learning about the different health implications of drinking coffee as well as the chemical composition of caffeine. We never truly consider or take the time to think about what caffeinated drinks are made of – for instance, if we go to a Starbucks, we may not consider the ingredients in our drinks as well as the nutritional value of these beverages. I also never knew that decaffeinated drinks may still contain small amounts of caffeine. Personally, during my junior and senior years of high school, I used to drink coffee once in a while to stay awake for late night assignments. However, while it helped me finish assignments, it made me even more tired in the long run and caused me to crash the next day during classes. Though I was never much of a coffee drinker to begin with, I have stayed away from caffeinated drinks for a while now and will probably continue to.


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