Moral and Legal Perspectives

Professor Angela Cornell led a Rose Cafe about Colin Kaepernick’s protest against racial injustice during the national anthem. She brought up an interesting point about moral and legal viewpoints. Most of us agree that, morally, he did the right thing. But was it within his legal right to do what he did? What do we do when moral and legal obligations don’t always align? I enjoyed learning more of the legal side of the argument, something that isn’t discussed as much. Professor Cornell talked about the National Labor Relations Act and its connection to the Great Depression. It gave power to workers to negotiate/improve terms and conditions of work and protects them against retaliation. I also found the conversation about Kaepernick signing on with Nike very interesting. It was a very calculated campaign because their stocks shot up to its highest level. Although this campaign obviously appeals to younger, more liberal audience, we also know that Nike donates a lot to conservative campaigns that support their business. I’m glad I was able to learn about the different perspectives of this controversy and how it is still relevant today.

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