a WALL-E review

This movie was amazing and hasn’t changed from when I originally saw it years ago.


After aging a few years, I could still get the same enjoyment I had years ago, proving that this movie is truly timeless.

But, what have I seen differently? For one, Buy N Large is a terrifying concept that I hope will never become an actual event in our history. While the movie exaggerates the waste and overpopulation of Earth, the idea of some megacorporation taking control of the planet terrifies me. I don’t know why I’m perfectly fine if its a government entity but opposed to a corporation though.

The one company that reminds me of this for some reason is Amazon after their purchase of Whole Foods. While in Brooklyn, I walked into a Whole Foods and was bombarded with Amazon information. Weren’t they just a website a few years ago? The scale is so different now.


But real talk, what happened to recycling and why couldn’t they just jettison their trash into the Sun if theyre so easily capable of building a massive interstellar fleet. Where did we even get the resources to do that? The Earth is already running out of resources yet they can manage all of this? hmmmmmmmmm its questionable but this mindset can only come from me killing the child in me. Why am I even asking these questions?

One thought on “a WALL-E review

  1. I’m from Brooklyn too! I don’t live near a Whole Foods but it’s interesting that you make that connection. And to address your questions at the end, it’s possible that these could be loopholes to the movie. But I think the bigger, more plausible reason is that the Buy n Large Corporation probably didn’t care that they were destroying the Earth. Since they held a huge monopoly, all they cared about was profits. Once the problem was out of control, instead of actively trying to solve it, it was easier to just ignore the problem and keep everyone in space.