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Red Cloud Lunch n’ Learn – tomorrow!

Cornell University faculty, staff, and student researchers and guests from academe and industry are invited to a Wednesday, March 28th “Red Cloud Lunch ‘n Learn” seminar from 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm in room 655, Rhodes Hall.

Cornell recently launched a new cloud computing service called Red Cloud that is optimally configured to meet the needs of researchers and educators. Red Cloud provides substantial memory/core, fast networks, no charges for data movement in and out of the cloud, and dedicated rather than oversubscribed cores. Researchers are currently using the service for on-demand “burst” computing, data hubs, science gateways, research wikis, and other applications that accelerate discovery and broaden impact.

Staff from the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing will show users and prospective users how to get their work done with Red Cloud, an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that runs Eucalyptus, the open source, Amazon-compatible cloud computing platform. The instruction will begin with the features and benefits of Red Cloud and will include how to:

  • sign up for a subscription and login for the first time
  • work with cloud instances throughout their life cycle
  • create customized images
  • work with persistent storage.

Attendees of this technical seminar should be comfortable working with UNIX commands and the Linux operating system.

To attend the “Red Cloud Lunch ‘n Learn” seminar, please complete the short registration form at This data will be used to target the instructional material. Advanced registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

Please note that Red Cloud with MATLAB will be covered in a future seminar. This platform is currently available as a Software as a Service (SaaS), providing researchers access to MATLAB Distributed Computing Server with NVIDA GPUs for enhanced performance.

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