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Wyoming Prairie Plants SEM Images

The pictures featured here were taken by a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) as part of a creation of a pollen library  composed of entomophilous, flowering plants collected throughout the summer of 2012 at three prairie sites in the Laramie Basin near Laramie Wyoming. See attached document for full details on the project. Below is a list of links to pages for each of the plants collected. Each plant featured here has an associated voucher specimen housed in the Dr. Michael Dillon Laboratory at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. The species included here represent a subset of plants collected for the pollen library. Species chosen for the website have at least three, in-focus photos sharing a common dominant pollen grain. Letter and number combinations below each of the photos indicate the site and associated vouchers for each species. Dates below each image indicate the date the plant species was collected.

This research was funded by the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium.

 Pollen Library to Study Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Changing Climates


Achillea millefolium: yarrow

Agoseris glauca

Allium cernuum

Amelanchier alnifolia: saskatooon

Arenaria fendleri: fendler’s sandwort

Astragalus missouriensis: Missouri milk vetch

Astragalus spatulatus: tufted milk vetch


Camelina microcarpa: littlepod false flax

Carduus undulatus var. canescens: prairie thistle

Castilleja flava: yellow Indian paintbrush

Cerastium arvense: field chickweed

Comandra umbellata

Crepis runcinata: fiddle leaf hawksbeard


Delphinium nuttallianum: larkspur

Dieteria canescens: hoary tansyaster

Drymocallis (Potentilla) fissa: leafy cinquefoil


Erigeron caespitosus: tufted fleabane

Eriogonum effusum: spreading buckwheat

Eriogonum flavum

Erysimum asperum: wallflower

Erysimum capitatum: wallflower


Frasera speciosa: monument plant


Gaillardia aristata: common blanketflower

Grindelia squarrosa: curly top gumweed


Helianthella uniflora


Ipomopsis spicata: spiked gilia


Kochia scparia: fireweed

Krascheninnikovia lanata


Liatrus ligulistylis: meadow blazingstar

Linum lewisii: flax

Linum rigidum: stiff-stem flax

Lupinus argenteus: silvery lupine


Mahonia repens: hollygrape, creeping mahonia

Minuartia rubella: sandwort


Oenothera coronopifolia: crown-leaf evening primrose

Opuntia polyacantha; plains pricklypear

Oxytropsis sericea*lambertii: locoweed


Paronychia sessiliflora: creeping nailwort

Pedicularis crenulata: meadow lousewort

Penstemon lancifolium var. exilifolius: white penstemon

Phlox hoodii

Drymocallis (Potentilla) fissa: leafy cinquefoil

Purshia tridentada: antelope bitterbrush

Pyrrocoma lanceolata: lanceleaf goldenweed


Ribes cereum: wax currant


Sedum lanceolatum

Senecio canus

Sisymbrium altissimum: tall tumblemustard

Solidago nana: baby goldenrod

Sphaeromeria simplex: false laramie sagebrush

Symphyotrichum ascendens: western aster

Symphyotrichum ericoides: white aster


Taraxacum oficionale: dandelion

Tetradymia canescens: spineless/gray horsebrush

Thelypodium integrifolium

Thermopsis rhombifolia var. montana: mountain goldenbanner

Tragopogon dubius: western salsify


Zigadenus elegans: mountain deathcamus








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