Forms & Fees
Forms for Grain Growers
To participate in the NY Seed Certification program you first must be accepted into the program. If you’re unsure if you are eligible to be a certified seed grower or have any other questions please contact us.
All of our forms are made available below as downloadable PDF documents. You will need Acrobat Reader or some other PDF reader to view and work with these files. Where possible, we have made the forms “fillable” so that you can fill out and submit to us electronically.
- Seed Producer/Processor Application– To participate in the certification program as a grower or a processor (grain mill), you will need to qualify. Download and fill out this form to get started. Review the steps to become a certified grower as well as the requirements.
- Application for Field Inspection – Application Instructions. To apply for a field inspection growers* must submit information about each field. Use a separate application for each crop/variety and list each field on a separate line. Also, when you submit your application(s), you must attach 1) documentation of planting stock source (certified tags, or official seed provenance documents), AND, 2) map(s) showing the location of each field so that inspectors can easily find them. *Growers must first apply and be accepted as a grower in the program. Download MS Excel version of application for easier filling on your computer.
- Seed Sample Record – This form is for documenting the seed samples that were submitted to a certified lab for testing. Note that NYSIP must receive the results directly from the lab. See page 2 of form instructions.
- Application for Tags/Labels – Seed ready for sale that passed the certification steps is ready to be labeled with the approved* tags. Criteria for obtaining certified labels/tags: 1) The seed was harvested from fields that passed NYSIP field inspection in the same growing season, 2) the seed was cleaned by a qualified processor/mill, 3) sample(s) from the seed meet purity and germination standards and testing was done by a qualified lab, and 4) seed sampling was performed by an individual who received official seed sample training by NYSIP and has a current Seed Sampling Compliance Agreement on file with us. *Application can be for Certified, Registered, Foundation or QA tags/labels – whatever was applied for in the field inspection phase and/or the certification level that NYSIP approves for the seed lot.
- Carryover Seed Report – For grain growers only. Certified seed from a previous season that still passes a germination test may be carried over to the current year and receive new certified seed tags/labels. These instances must be documented by filling out this form. Carry-over seed must be reported in order for the seed to qualify for re-tagging.
- Affirmation of Planting Stocks – This form is used to organize and validate information about the seed planted in fields submitted for inspection
Forms for Potato Growers
To participate in the NY Seed Certification program you first must be accepted into the program. If you’re unsure if you are eligible to be a certified seed grower or have any other questions please contact us.
- Seed Producer/Processor Application – To participate in the certification program as a potato grower, you will need to qualify. Download and fill out this form to get started. Review the steps to become a certified grower and well as the requirements.
- Application for Field Inspection of Seed Potato Crops (printable form) MS Excel format. To apply for a field inspection growers* must submit information about each field. attach 1) documentation of planting stock source (certified tags, or official seed provenance documents), AND, 2) map(s) showing the location of each field so that inspectors can easily find them. *Growers must first apply and be accepted as a grower in the program.
- Application for Seed Potato Labels/Tags – Seed potatoes that passed field inspections and whose samples passed corresponding NYSIP winter test in Hawaii, or passed disease testing by an accredited potato disease testing lab (contact us for more information)