Week 2 (6/6/22 – 6/11/22): Three Sisters and Groundhogs

This week we continued preparing beds and planting. We started by inter-planting the tomatoes that we the three sisters bed had grown last week with basil and marigolds and putting in some trellising for when the tomatoes get a little bigger. Also early in the week I planted a bed with three sisters crops. Three sisters is an indigenous method of inter-planting using corn, beans, and winter squash. These crops give back to each other to provide a beautiful array of produce in the fall. In our three sisters bed we chose to plant a sweet corn variety, two types of garden pole beans, acorn squash, butternut the brassica bedsquash, and spaghetti squash. The rest of the week was spent removing large roots from beds and preparing them for planting. We planted one of these prepared beds with some brassicas (the mustard family) including broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage. We inter-planted these beds with nasturtiums. Unfortunately, the groundhogs have not been removed from the property yet, and ate a lot of the broccoli, brussel sprouts, and nasturtiums. In an attempt to protect these crops in the future, I interplanted them with some basil and marigolds, which the groundhogs don’t like. Ultimately though, wePicture of tabling at the plant sale are waiting for the groundhogs to be relocated. I ended the week on Saturday by tabling during a plant sale at the office to get the community acquainted with the SLP and GROWS program. A bit of a slower week this week, but I’m looking forward to welcoming a couple of our GROWS program participants next week, and having a few more helping hands!