- Role of the veterinarian
- Digital Necropsy Examination (Dr. Mary Smith)
- Veterinarian’s three-minute physical exam for sheep (Dr. Mary Smith)
- Poisonous plants (Dan Brown)
- Control of internal parasites (Cornell Small Ruminant Parasites site)
- Sheep Care Guide (from ASI)
- Sheep tipping video
- Video of sheep with symptoms of infection with P. tenuis (deer worm, brain worm)
- Observations on the effect of adding water to feed on lamb pneumonia
- Interstate Animal Movement Requirements (state import requirements for livestock)
- Livestock Guardian Dogs (Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension)
- Working dog liability insurance
Click on toggles below to open and close the topics:
Cornell Sheep Flock soremouth vaccine
Vaccination against overeating disease (enterotoxemia)

Figure 1. Effect of vaccination schedule of ewes and their triplet lambs on serum antibodies to e-toxin of Clostridium perfringens type D.
The results of this experiment indicate that ewes should be vaccinated 3 to 4 wk prior to parturition and that there is no benefit of vaccinating lambs prior to 6 wk of age. Further studies are needed to recommend an adequate immunization schedule for lambs after weaning or whether fast growing lambs from vaccinated ewes need to be immunized. Full paper (PDF file)
Eradication of footrot in sheep
- All animals older than 18 months of age must be eartagged with official eartags.
- All animals under 18 months of age must be eartagged with official eartags unless they are going directly to slaughter.
- Eartag records must be maintained for 5 years.
Contact: USDA APHIS Veterinary Services at 1(866) 873-2824 for free scrapie eartags.Scrapie information from USDA – APHIS
Genetics of Scrapie (Dave Thomas, University of Wisconsin)
Internal parasites
Choose a management area
Cornell Small Ruminant Management List Server
Click here to join the Cornell University sheepgoatmanagement list server. The purpose of the list server is to ask about and exchange information about sheep and goat management.
Frequently used
- Sheep & Goat Marketing
- New Holland Monday prices
- Pennsylvania Weekly Livestock Sales Summary
- Historical New Holland Monday prices - In item 1 (find results), enter LN_LS322
- Commodity futures prices
- By-product ingredient prices from the University of Missouri
Solar grazing
From Cornell University
- 2023 Cornell Sheep and Goat Symposium Handouts
- Control of internal parasites (Cornell Small Ruminant Parasites site)
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Cornell Cooperative Extension Field Staff
- Cornell Beef Cattle Management
- Cornell Goat Management
- Cornell Small Farms Program
- Bulletin on cutting meat
- Department of Animal Science
- Low Input Lambing & Kidding
- New Concepts of Sheep Growth (Rex Butterfield)
- New Concepts of Cattle Growth (Roy Berg and Rex Butterfield)
- Sheep tipping video
- SOP Newborn Lamb
Dairy sheep
- Guide to Raising Dairy Sheep (Yves Berger, Claire Mikolayunas, David Thomas - University of Wisconsin)
- Proceedings of Dairy Sheep Symposia
- Searchable PDF of titles of Proceedings of Dairy Sheep Symposia
- Effect of growth rate on milk production (University of Wisconsin)
- Principles of Sheep Dairying in North America
- Solar Grazing
From other academic and Extension sources
- Interstate Animal Movement Requirements (state import requirements for livestock)
- Livestock Guardian Dogs (Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension)
- Maryland Small Ruminant Page (Susan Schoenian)
- Oklahoma State University breeds of livestock
- Sheep & Goat Research Journal
- USDA Soil Survey Maps
- USDA Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory
- Wisconsin Sheep and Goat Extension
From industry
- American Sheep Industry Association
- Best Practice Resources (from ASI)
- Dairy Sheep Association of North America
- Dairy One (feed analysis)
- Empire Alpaca Association
- Empire Sheep Producers Association
- Empire State Meat Goat Producers Association
- National Lamb Feeders Association
- New River Valley Sheep & Goat Club
- SheepBytes Ration Balancing
- Sheep Care Guide
- United States Border Collie Club
- United States Lamb Resource Center (marketing American lamb)
- Values of breeding sheep (from ASI)
- Working dog liability insurance
- Wool Journal
- ASI Sheep Care Guide
- Sheep & Goat Research Journal
- Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep: Breeds, Care, Facilities (search for this on-line)
- The Sheep Book (by Ron Parker) (search for this on-line)
- 2020 Sheep Shearers in the Northeast
- NYS Wool Branding Report
- ASI Shearing Data Base Form (Word doc)
- ASI Shearer Directory
- Battenkill Fibers
- Black Sheep Handspinners Guild
- Black Mesa Weavers for Life and Land
- Carolina Specialy, Inc. (Wool processing equipment)
- Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers Ltd.
- Faribault Woolen Mill
- Fiber Crafts
- Fibershed
- Fingerlakes Woolen Mill
- Helen Trejo (Fiber designer and fibershed expert)
- Heritage Wool Blankets
- Horner Shearing (equipment that runs off 12-Volt battery)
- Howard Brush (cards for sheep and wool)
- Ithaca SheepSkin
- IWTO Wool Sheep Welfare
- MacAusland's Woollen Mill
- Midstates Wool Growers Cooperative Association
- New York Guilds
- New York State Regional Yarn Sourcebook by Helen Trejo, PhD
- Nistock Farms
- Shearers and other fiber information
- Shearing instructions (from Premier1)
- Stanley Bulbach (fiber artist)
- Yocom-McColl Wool Testing Lab
- 20160511 Cornell Sheep Sale
- Cornell STAR-managed sheep flock data summaries
- Vaccination against overeating disease (click on toggle on health page)
- Feeding ewes with triplet lambs
- Observations on the effect of adding water to feed on lamb pneumonia
More details about past, present, and future sheep research at Cornell University will be coming soon.
Jessica R. Waltemyer, Extension Associate
PRO-Livestock NYS Small Ruminant Specialist
118 Frank Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801
tatiana L. Stanton, Extension Associate (Retired)
Goat Specialist
114 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801
Niko Kochendoerfer, PhD Student and Graduate Assistant
110 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801
Major revision: October 2015
Please contact Niko Kochendoerfer at nk584@cornell.edu if you can't find something from the previous version.
Copyright © 2015 Michael L. Thonney