
Meet the ATL at SRA!

Come see us at the Society for Research on Adolescence conference! Professor Jane Mendle and several members of the Adolescent Transitions Lab will be attending this year’s biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in Baltimore, MD. Paper discussions and poster presentations from lab members are listed below. We hope to see you there!

  • Paper Discussion Symposium: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Puberty and Well-Being
    • Pubertal Status, Pubertal Timing and Transdiagnostic Processes: Jane Mendle, Cornell University; Kirsten McKone, Cornell University; Taylor McGuire, Cornell University ; Kathleen McCormick, Cornell University;
    • Thursday, March 31: 12:15-1:45 Johnson A
  • Poster Session: 7, Section: Developmental Psychopathology
    • Rumination Mediates Associations of Puberty and Depression: Taylor McGuire, Cornell University; Kirsten McKone, Cornell University; Kathleen McCormick, Cornell University; Jane Mendle, Cornell University;
    • Friday, April 1: 11:45-12:45, Key 7-12 (Exhibit Hall)
  • Poster Session: 9, Section: Empathy, Prosocial Behavior, and Moral Development
    • Who Are the Add Health “Jokesters”? Developmental Trajectories of Adolescent Liars: Kirsten McKone, Cornell University; Sarah Moore, Cornell University; Jane Mendle, Cornell University;
    • Friday, April 1: 2:45-3:45, Key 7-12 (Exhibit Hall)

Expressive Writing Project Begins for 2015!

This week, research assistants from the Adolescent Transitions Lab are kicking off this summer’s research project. Two research assistants are at each of two 4-H summer camps, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills and 4-H Camp Hidden Valley, collecting data on life changes in adolescence experienced by girls ages 10-13.

To learn more about the fun and idyllic settings our research assistants will be enjoying this summer in Upstate New York, check out the websites for Camp Bristol Hills in Canadaigua and Camp Hidden Valley in Watkins Glen!

Sarah Moore Presents at BGA

Sarah Moore Presents at Annual BGA Meeting

Adolescent Transitions Lab graduate student Sarah Moore presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association in San Diego, California this Saturday. Her talk, entitled “Are ‘Plasticity’ Alleles Related to Sensitivity to the Environment: An Investigation of Divergence in Depression Scores in Twin Pairs,” proposed a theoretical approach to studying plasticity in specific phenotypes using random effects regression models. Congratulations, Sarah!

More information on the Behavior Genetics Association can be found at their website.

RA Awarded Research Fellowship

Kathleen McCormick Awarded Prestigious Corwin Research Fellowship

Senior undergraduate research assistant Kathleen McCormick was recently awarded the prestigious Marjorie A. Corwin Undergraduate Research Fellowhsip. The fellowship provides funding for summer research. Kathleen is investigating the perceived benefits of co-rumination in emerging adults and plans to complete a senior thesis based on her findings.

Congratulations, Kathleen!

Kirsten McKone Presents at BCTR

Kirsten McKone, lab manager of the Adolescent Transitions Lab, presented on her recent work on inaccurate responders in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) at the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell last week. Add Health is popular data set for developmental scientists and has come under scrutiny for the presence of “jokesters” that may have deliberately responded inaccurately to survey questions.

Research Assistant Presents to CCE

Recently, undergraduate research assistant Kathleen McCormick presented to Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) staff on her experience last summer as a CCE research intern.  Sharing via web conference, Kathleen summarized her summer work with the Adolescent Transitions Lab and outlined the importance of the intervention currently being tested. She also discussed the benefits of participating in research as an undergraduate student, emphasizing the value of the introduction to the research process and the connection to community the project facilitated. Additionally, she detailed some of the challenges she encountered while conducting research in a non-research setting, discussed the benefits of that unusual environment, and answered questions about the role of CCE student interns as both research assistants and members of the communities in which they are conducting research.

Dr. Mendle Presents at ICPS

Professor Mendle spoke as part of a panel titled “From Menarche to Menopause: Women’s Reproductive Trajectories and Risk for Depression” at the 2015 International Convention of Psychological Science in Amsterdam.  The convention was the first of its kind and attracted researchers from over 75 countries. For more information on the conference, visit the ICPS website.

Dr. Mendle Receives ISS Fellowship

Professor Jane Mendle was named a Institute for the Social Sciences (ISS) fellow-in-residence for the 2015-16 academic year. The program, which is open to associate and assistant professors, “gives exceptionally strong social science faculty members a semester away from the daily demands of teaching and departmental service to advance and publish their scholarship.” ISS fellows are nominated by their department chairs and deans, and selected by an interdisciplinary review committee in a university-wide competition.

More information on the ISS fellowship program and the Institute for the Social Sciences is available in the Cornell Chronicle.

Research Assistants Present at CCE

Summer Research Assistants Present at CCE

From left: Kathleen McCormick, Patty Gonzalez, Taylor McGuire, and Alexandra Holmes.
From left: Kathleen McCormick, Patty Gonzalez, Taylor McGuire, and Alexandra Holmes.

The four students working with the Adolescent Transitions Lab during the summer presented on their research project as part of the Cornell Cooperative Extension summer internship this week. Summer interns spent five weeks conducting research in collaboration with two area 4-H summer camps: 4-H Camp Bristol Hills and 4-H Camp Hidden Valley.

Cornell Chronicle Features ATL

Adolescent Transitions Lab Research Featured in the Cornell Chronicle

Recently, the Cornell Chronicle featured research conducted by Adolescent Transitions Lab graduate student Sarah Moore and Professor Jane Mendle that was published in Developmental Psychology. The article, titled “Pubertal timing and adolescent sexual behavior in girls,” investigates the relationship between pubertal timing and involvement in specific sexual behaviors, attempting to disentangle the genetic and environmental influences that shape adolescent sexual timing and behavior.

The full Cornell Chronicle article can be accessed online here.