What is a Technical Elective?

Technical Elective: A Technical Elective may include many courses at an appropriate level, chosen from Engineering (2000+), Mathematics (2940+), or Science [Physics (2214+), Chemistry (2090+), or Biological Sciences.  Most 2000+ technical-level courses in Engineering will be accepted (note: Engineering economic, business, management, financial or organization courses will NOT be accepted, with the exception of MAE 4610).  1000+ level courses in Bio S will fulfill the technical elective requirement.  Advisors may approve non-technical elective-eligible courses as Advisor Approved Electives, e.g.,  CEE 3230, various ORIE courses, and other Engineering management courses. MAE 4980, Teaching Experience in Mechanical Engineering, and BSOC courses may satisfy Advisor Approved Electives, however, these will not fulfill the Technical Elective requirement. No form is required for the technical elective.

For other elective descriptions, consult the MAE website.


Technical Elective Requirements

To fulfill the technical elective requirement towards the B.S., M.E. Degree:

1.  There is no form to declare your technical elective.  Typically, a technical elective has calc, or math, or physics or chemistry as a prerequisite.

2. Most Math, Physics, Chem or BioS courses beyond the Engineering Core Curriculum will be accepted.  AP Bio will be accepted, however, any BSOC courses will not.

3. Many 2000+ level courses in Engineering, including ENGRD courses,  may be used to satisfy the technical elective, however, if it is a business, economics, or organizational course, this will not be acceptable.   Check the prereq’s for ORIE classes and some CEE courses–they may be more business oriented, therefore, check the pre-reqs.

4.  With the exception of MAE 4610, Entrepreneurship in Engineering, business-related courses will not be accepted.

5.  MAE 4980, TA’ing for MAE, may not satisfy the technical elective requirement, but may satisfy an advisor approved elective.

6.  Letter graded courses used to satisfy the technical elective are required.  If you have the option of pass/fail, take the letter grade option.

7.  Research will be accepted as a technical elective.