The registration for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam is now open. You may register for the exam on the NCEES website:
The exam is now a computer based test and the nearest testing locations to Cornell are Endicott (Binghamton) or Syracuse. Here are some details about the exam.
- The exam can be taken in any state if that is more convenient, and you might choose to take it over January break or Spring break at home.
- The registration fee is $225.
- The exam is offered: January-February, April-May, July-August, October-November.
- You must choose a module for the afternoon session. In the past most students have chosen “other disciplines”. Please see link for an overview of the topics in the different modules before deciding:
- Students who have received or will receive their Bachelors from an accredited ABET program Do Not need to fill out NYS Form 1 or Form 2.
Students who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from an educational institution outside of the US or from a non-ABET accredited program, must first get approval from NYS before registering online for the exam.
Note: The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is an accredited program.
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Michael Timmons , Professor Jery Stedinger, or Nadine Porter .