CUSD’s Sustainable Mobility SHELTER team is recruiting new members to help re-imagine the bus system of Tompkins county!

The Sustainable Mobility SHELTER team is an interdisciplinary group of undergraduate and graduate students working together to solve complex infrastructural problems through Systems thinking, quantitative analysis, and application of new technologies.

This semester, the team is looking for engineering, design, and city/regional planning students to further develop their solar-powered tech bus shelter and real-time information system, optimize bus routes, explore the integration of their shelter system with an electric (and composite material chassis) bus system, and continue incorporating cutting-edge sustainable technologies to better the community through real implementations.

The team will interact with local authorities such as TCAT and Cornell Facilities + Campus Services, and renowned engineering firms and companies such as TAITEM and Light Green Machines, LLC.

To learn more or apply, please visit our online application.

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