‘Pop’ In to Say Hi – MAE Community Event

We would love to invite MAE students to participate in an MAE Community Event to welcome you to the new academic year! This is also a great way for you to meet various staff and faculty who work in the building and help support you.

The event will run next Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29th and 30th from 10am-2pm. During that timeframe, on those two days, you will be able to go to various rooms in Upson to receive a snack or toy that has the theme of ‘pop’ (ex. Poptarts, Ring Pops, Popcorn, Pop Rocks, etc.).

You will need to start out in the UPO (125 Upson) to receive a bag to collect the goodies and will also receive a slip of paper with the various locations you can go around MAE.

We have a limited supply so come on by early on Tuesday so you can participate!

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