Useful Information

Hello students! You are in the final stretch! Below I have some important useful information. Please read! [Contents: TAing/Grading Application, Course Time Conflicts, In Person vs Online Sections, and Senior Tasks]

Spring Semester Course Conflicts: Note from the Engineering Registrar’s Office:
Spring 2021 course conflict requests will be reviewed during add/drop in February.
Please complete and submit the Time Conflict Form to our office no earlier than Monday, February 1st.
Please note that by completing the form, you are not guaranteed to be enrolled in the conflicting course. You will receive an email from our office within 3-5 business days letting you know of the decision on your enrollment request.
Thank You,
EN Registrar’s Office

TA or GRADER application:
If you’d like to be a TA or Grader for any class next semester, please submit your information and list ALL classes you’re interested in by order of preference here!:
Being a grader is a paid position, averages 8-10 hours a week.
First time TAs must TA for credit, and every semester thereafter can choose to TA for credit OR for pay. Averages 8-10 hours a week.
In complete transparency, TAs who can TA for credit will be given first priority, followed by those who can only TA for pay [assuming first semester of TAing for credit has been completed]. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Spring Semester Online vs In Person sections:
I kindly ask all students who will be back on campus during the spring semester to do their best to enroll in In-Person or Hybrid sections of courses if both in person and online sections are offered. Online space is limited, and created for those who are unable to return to Ithaca or have immunocompromised systems and are trying to limit their exposure.

Senior Tasks:
Please don’t forget to submit your advisor approved electives to your faculty advisor listed in studentcenter for approval. A simple email will do. Once you have a response, you can forward that to me [or CC me on the original email].
If you are currently in a senior design class or senior design research, please don’t forget to complete the canvas “quiz”- this will satisfy your senior design content summary report form and is the last step in completing your senior design requirement for graduation.


Thank you for your patience as I am ever behind in my emails. As always, I am still happy to be of any assistance and you can schedule a graduation audit with me almost anytime on my calendar here: .

Kae-Lynn [kbw28]
MAE Acting Undergrad Coord.

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