The standard deadline for submission of your senior design report will be Wednesday, May 15th, by 5 pm. This will give your instructor time to read your report, will provide you with time to make any necessary edits, and for the instructor to provide you with a grade. Should you have any concerns about this deadline, please contact your senior design instructor.
Regarding the Senior Design Report Content Summary Form:
Answer the 9 questions on the form in a separate document. You can either 1) print your answers, attach them to the paper form, get a written signature from your senior design instructor, and turn the form in to Kae-Lynn or 2) email your answers to you instructor, requesting email approval, and then forward that approval to Kae-Lynn (kbw28) or copy her on the whole email chain.
The undergraduate office does not need a copy of your actual report, just the answers to the questions on the content summary form and approval of them by your senior design instructor.
Please let us know if you have other questions about senior design.