Evaluation of Organic Biopesticides for Tomato Bacterial Speck, 2022

Overview of tomato bacterial speck experiment
Overview of experiment, taken on 30 June.

The following images of plots taken on 30 June, 2 days after the 4th application.

a tomato plot
Untreated Control
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
Untreated Control
a tomato plot
Timorex ACT
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
Timorex ACT
a tomato plot
LifeGard alt Cueva
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
LifeGard alt Cueva
a tomato plot
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
a tomato plot
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
a tomato plot
Conventional Standard
close up of bacterial speck on a tomato plant
Conventional Standard