Evaluation of Biopesticides for Organic Management of Downy Mildew in Sweet Basil, 2021. Figure 1. Overview of field experiment, taken on 19 August. Basil was transplanted on 7 July. Figure 2. Plants in the field on 27 August, four days before last application for the treatments. Untreated control Regalia + Stargus 2 qt/A alt. EcoSwing 1 qt/A + Badge X2 0.75 lb/A Regalia + Stargus 2 qt/A alt. EcoSwing 1 qt/A Rango 1.25% v/v MilStop 4 lb/100 gal MilStop 4 lb/100 gal alt. MilStop 3 lb/100 gal + Double Nickel 4 qt/100 gal